Tuesday, 30 March 2010

A visual orgy

Some visuals for you to enjoy from Peru and from the around the globe.

1) Two examples of the misuse of the letter "H" here in Peru. It's not a really important letter in Spanish, but they seem to want to use it a lot:

It's all right guys, there are many other letters to use in the alphabet!

2) A household just a couple of blocks away from my place seems to not have made the link between their tree and the penis:

My guess is: it's either a gay couple, a nymphomaniac, or nuns

3) A very innovative Argentinian invention:

Thank you women. You are the reason behind all of Man's greatest inventions.

4) Another creepy video coming from Japan. It doesn't make sense AT ALL. Since my roomate here is Japanese, I have asked him for translation, and it's even weirder when you understand what's written on the boards:

So the first board that the Dog holds says "my ear is getting bigger" and the second one says "is this me?". So I don't know what the directors have smoked before shooting this add, but if someone can explain the link between a heart broken kid, a dancing dog making the kid happy, and a pack of chips I'd appreciate it.

5) A couple of Brazilian life insurance adds - they're quite good:

Voilà, I hope that this visual orgy gave you a pleasurable mental orgasm.


  1. I think the directors took some acid

  2. Man is the Andes Teletransporter a real product?! That would be really useful though hehe
